
自1881年以来, Concordia University’s mission has been teaching and preparing students for careers and vocations that serve The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. 音乐一直是这一使命不可分割的一部分. 音乐系有助于精神方面的发展, 文化, 艺术, academic and co-curricular aspects to University life on campus. As the campus has grown in scope and size the music department has become more integral to the University mission.



A broad range of performance opportunities including instrumental, 合唱, and handbell ensembles is offered within the curriculum. Each year the premier ensemble within each genre takes a tour throughout the region or continental United States. International travel has taken band, 唱诗班, and handbells to Asia, Europe, and South America.

The CUW Pep Band at the 2018 Concordia Invitational Tournament.

The Kammerchor Ensemble in front of the monument to pope Alexander VII in St. 梵蒂冈城的彼得大教堂.

The University Band rehearses for Christmas at Concordia.


在这个“以结果为基础”的大学招聘市场, we know that your college music choices are numerous and varied. Please continue to read about how we continue to “accomplish and expand” our music mission. Your participation and study of the “universal language of music” will be accentuated by the following combination of standards unique to Concordia University Wisconsin. We know this will bring unique “value” to your higher education experience:


我们的乐团指挥, classroom professors and applied studio teachers/performers seek to create a non-competitive, engaging learning environment in order for one to improve performance skills.


根据“文科”教育的定义, students from a cross-section of majors and minors enroll in music classes in our department which accomplishes a dual purpose: earning academic credits towards the Creative Arts section of the undergraduate Core Curriculum and studying in a field that students find invigorating.


这是我们课程中最丰富的部分之一. The draw of music participants from all university schools including Education, 业务, 健康与人类表现, 药学和艺术/科学真的很令人兴奋. It exposes each of us to different perspectives on life’s many vocations while demonstrating our collective passion for music.


你可以通过音乐看世界. 我们的乐团在所有的介质-乐队, 唱诗班, orchestra and hand-bells embark on music performance music tours each year. Band and Choir genres travel internationally every 4 years. To date our departmental ensembles have performed in 42 状态s (including Hawaii) as well as Europe, 南美洲和亚洲部分地区.


Academic major does not restrict the selection of principal players and soloists in our ensembles. 如果你有激情, 奉献与才华, 你会出现在国内的音乐会中, 在路上或者在我们部门的录音里.


我们认识到音乐是上帝赐予我们的不值得的礼物. With this humbleness we accept our mission and our expansion of the mission to perform music for “Glory to God Alone” - Soli Deo Gloria


Dr. 路易Menchaca

自1992年秋天以来. Louis A Menchaca has coordinated all aspects of the instrumental music division: ensembles, 指导和管理. Described by professional colleagues as the “future model for music education,他积极从事教学工作, 进行, 以及管乐队的表演, 管弦乐和爵士乐团.

作为CUW团队的领导,“Dr. M” has led music concert tours and scholarly presentations in 38 状态s and throughout Europe. 他的乐团曾在当地演出, 状态, 区域和国际媒体, 包括电视节目, 广播, 打印, 网络广播和专业音乐协会. The Symphonic Wind Ensemble has been named semi-finalist in the “American Prize” Music competition for collegiate bands.

CUW Music alumni are the greatest accomplishments for Dr. Menchaca. Having served as a mentor for both music and non-music majors, his students hold music-teaching and administrative positions across the United States and in the military. Music teacher preparation remains the most important part of his ministry. 除了合奏, 他继续监督音乐学生教师, 教授器乐指挥, and has served as Music 系主任 for the past 25 years.